Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Saturday Night, 26 April 2008

Here we have dueling Manzolillo's. Jimmy at bat; Lori pitching. The Wii. We don't need one. Possessions would be damaged, time would be wasted. Pretty cool though. Before the duel, we went out with Jimmy and Laura to Quetzalcoatl; a Mexican restaurant on Main Street in Huntington. It was quite good; kind, friendly service and good, classic Mexican comidas.


FYI- our wedding rehearsal time has been confirmed. It will be at 7pm on July 17, 2009. I will tell you all as we get closer to the date. But don't be surprised if I tell you it starts at 6:30. Fordham is VERY intent on letting us know that we will not get extra time... and we know how the traffic in the Bronx can be. They only give you 45min from start time, no more, no less. SO, I will be enforcing a 7pm start time.

In other news, I am so excited to be almost done with this semester of Law school!!! I am on my last week!!! How does she have time to blog you ask? I am a great multi-tasker, what can I say. I have three finals to worry about; this semester it's Evidence, Professional Responsibility, and Environmental Law. I am just so done already, I cannot WAIT for the break!!! Then I can really focus on planning this wedding!

Speaking of weddings, I am also very much anticipating the upcoming nuptials of my brother, Dave and future sister-in-law, Kelly. This wedding is really something to look forward to since it is not only a wedding, but a vacation to Riviera Maya, Mexico as well!! WOO HOO! (It also means that I am leaving my life as a teacher behind a whole day early this summer!) I am also excited to attend Kelly's shower in Spotswood, NJ at the end of May... fun, fun, fun!

Monday, April 28, 2008

The Rusty Knot NYC, 17 April 2008

Lori and I attended a birthday celebration of our friends Rickey and Alli and had fun- too much fun. We do prefer too much fun to too little fun but I assume that most people agree. Finnish Tiina and British Steve Parker met us there and I believe also had too much fun. It was great catching up with everyone.

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Jared; Rusty Knot.

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Friday, April 25, 2008

Ah the bliss of a Mani/Pedi

I think I am entitled to this particular addiction. I really NEEDED a pedicure, so it was good that I got one. I picked up my Ipod---it is so cute, I love it! What are the chances??? Anyways, I must go for now, Audrey and I are off to Bed Bath & Beyond...something about bathroom mats. Then it's off to the train station to pick up Mike. FYI-- I have yet to find a finer nail establishment than Floris in Commack. They are wonderful.


It's Friday! Aw (exhalation).. and a nice one too. Lori just called me; she is quite excited because she won an iPod from Pace. Something about a raffle of the names of the students that filled out professor evaluations or whatever- I am not sure. This is a good thing; I think she has felt left out of the rest of the iPod carrying crowd lately. I do enjoy mine, but we need to work out a way to use them in the car--it has no auxiliary audio input jack so we need one hard wired in--the wireless FM transmitter thing does not and has not ever cut it. Always staticky with poor sound quality and distracting too. Maybe I will call Best Buy and see if it is a big expensive job.
So, for the weekend... Lori is on her way to Commack where we will be spending the impending weekend. Its actually been quite a while since I've been. I am going to take the train out tonight which do enjoy. I wouldn't want to make a habit of it but its kind of fun on Friday afternoon to hop on the train and not have cars and traffic to deal with. Might go to see "Baby Mama" tonight. Seems pleasant and humorous although it probably won't be. Tomorrow night its dinner with Laura and Jimmy in Huntington Village at a newer Mexican joint that sounds good. Saturday, Prius is getting a 10000 mile work over. After that is through, the day is ours so to speak. Lori is getting the nails on all of her appendages done today so luckily I am spared the tedium of doing anything at all that involves hands for two hours after they are done. Beware of the mani/pedi cycle of addiction. Apparently it is a lifelong habit. I am, however, not one to judge on account of one's addictions.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Well, its another beautiful spring but summer-like day in New York; and Thursday to boot. I love Thursdays. Lori is relieved of her teaching duties due to Passover/spring break but law school continues in the evenings. Maybe she will meet me for lunch at Starbucks.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Brandy's Wedding, 19 April 2008

Last weekend, Lori and I went to the wedding of Brandy Bosler and Jason Kift in Williamsport, PA. We had a great time and caught up with many old friends.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Another weekend in Florida!

Yesterday, Mike and I returned from yet another weekend jaunt to Orlando, Florida. It is so hard to return to the grit and grime after the 88 degrees, sunshine, and palm tree tease. The more I go down there, the harder it gets to come back! Luckily, the weather is warming up...finally. Here is a pic of us in Florida.


After some thought and very little fanfare, Lori and I have decided to blog. Nothing remarkable; a simple blog. Some thoughts and some photos. We shall see how it progresses.