Tuesday, April 29, 2008


FYI- our wedding rehearsal time has been confirmed. It will be at 7pm on July 17, 2009. I will tell you all as we get closer to the date. But don't be surprised if I tell you it starts at 6:30. Fordham is VERY intent on letting us know that we will not get extra time... and we know how the traffic in the Bronx can be. They only give you 45min from start time, no more, no less. SO, I will be enforcing a 7pm start time.

In other news, I am so excited to be almost done with this semester of Law school!!! I am on my last week!!! How does she have time to blog you ask? I am a great multi-tasker, what can I say. I have three finals to worry about; this semester it's Evidence, Professional Responsibility, and Environmental Law. I am just so done already, I cannot WAIT for the break!!! Then I can really focus on planning this wedding!

Speaking of weddings, I am also very much anticipating the upcoming nuptials of my brother, Dave and future sister-in-law, Kelly. This wedding is really something to look forward to since it is not only a wedding, but a vacation to Riviera Maya, Mexico as well!! WOO HOO! (It also means that I am leaving my life as a teacher behind a whole day early this summer!) I am also excited to attend Kelly's shower in Spotswood, NJ at the end of May... fun, fun, fun!

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